Finlock Concrete Gutter Removal

Finlock Concrete Gutter Removal Services

Established   1989

           0333 456 5202

            01373 825573

           07836 692394

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Expert Finlock Concrete Guttering removal service since 1989 undertaken with care and pride and the most attention to safety yours and ours, we wont work from ladders and walkboards.


Flat roofs

Finlock Concrete Guttering, once a popular guttering solution, is no longer suitable for modern properties. Concrete guttering doesn't fare well over time, with unsupported guttering sections sagging and becoming saturated without the correct support - as well as easily shifting, especially in adverse weather, where expansion and contraction of guttering joints will push Finlock guttering out of alignment and reduce its effectiveness. Worse still, concrete guttering leaves your home more susceptible to damp!

We Guarantee 100% No More COLD BRIDGING EVER AGAIN

EPS EAVES PROTECTION SYSTEM AND VENTILATION   This is not something that can be omitted as it is a requirement under building regulations. It is the most important part of the process and should always be fitted.

It has come to our attention that some companies state that there are issues with fitting this system as the trays can lay flat and let water back in, The reason the trays would lay flat is that again these compaines do not remove the correct amount of the finlocks therefore these trays cannot reach the rafters which hold them up at the correct angle as when the tiles are refitted also cannot reach the gutters.

As we do remove the correct amount we never have any issues fitting this system and our tiles when refitted sit halfway into the new gutters as they should. AND THESE TRAYS SHOULD NEVER BE USED TO BRIDGE THE GAP BETWEEN THE BOTTOM OF THE TILES AND THE CENTER OF THE GUTTERS WHICH WE SEE QUITE OFTEN, this being the main reason they let water back in.

If you have no downpipes but they are fitted to adjoining houses we will ensure that we do not cause any issues with any new runs etc and will use downpipe details as existing, we can also if required supply and fit new downpipes which are included in your quote as we do not charge for this, unless you require a downpipe which was never there to be fitted as new drainage.

Please note we remove upto 50% more of the concrete than others, this guarantees no COLD BRIDGING and is the most efficent way to treat this detail. Some fit insulation to this point and state that will cure the issue, NOT TRUE no insulation is required at all as once concrete removed that process stops as the wet cold concrete which acted as the gutter is no longer there as stated providing the correct amount of concrete has been removed, NOT ALL DO THIS.  This is also why we have to use a full scaffold as well as conforming to Health & Safety Regulations, EasyDec systems do not comply for this type of works, as its the duty of the contractor to provide the most suitable and safe platforms to work with bearing in mind  the type of works, painting yes concrete removal NO. This is a very important detail to you the customer giving piece of mind no work access issues, or legal issues in the event of an accident as you the customer may also be held liable for allowing dangerous working conditions on your land. Also a full solid scaffold is safer for your family during the works keeping away from ladders and platforms slipping or falling  or heavy chunks of concrete etc. I know you may have been informed that a scaffold is not required, but for our safety and yours we will not chance so much to save so little. It is only a matter of time before a worker or other is killed due to this, dont let it happen on your home.

My advice if still unsure is to contact your local councils Health & Safety office explaining the type of works and what scaffold should be used.

There is no reason you have to overpay for these works as with correct access it is a very precise easy method, please dont be fooled with some companies hype trying to justify to be frank, rip off prices. We are one of the  original Finlock removal companies since 1989, same name. same quality, same assurances and no complaints. You are NOT paying for expensive marketing and Google first page ranking, constant postal leaflets constant callbacks and advertising and a  large sales workforce based in large offices.

We can arrange for any asbestos down pipes to be collected, or we can bag and double wrap for you to dispose at a council tip at no cost to you.

Of course if we arrange for disposal  but there would be a cost to this, we CANNOT remove from site as we have no licence for asbestos transportation as only Health & Safety approved

WASTE CARRIER LICENCED (This can be checked) companies can do this, I KNOW YOU MAY HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT WHO YOU EMPLOY CAN REMOVE ASBESTOS FROM SITE, IF THIS IS THE CASE THEN BY LAW YOU MUST BE ISSUED WITH A SAFE DISPOSAL STAMPED CERTIFICATE It is a small amount to dispose of, but if fly tipped as sometimes happens it could come back to you and you are fully responsable. If the company states they can do this please see the licence which they will by law hold, dont accept any excuses.

If Asbestos has been removed and then no certificate is issued it HAS BEEN FLY TIPPED IM AFRAID.

SF Roofing are specialists as the removal and replacement of concrete guttering, and we're always happy to travel up to 150 miles from our Westbury site to visit your property. This includes travel to Wiltshire, Hampshire, Devon, Dorset and Somerset - so just speak to our friendly, professional team to get started on removing your Finlock guttering!

We normally use Hippo Bags as these can prove to be a lot cheaper than using skips.

Hippo normally take 4 / 5 working days to collect them, but this would depend on Bank holidays etc.

For concrete gutter removal, contact SF Roofing today!

We Are one of the original Finlock Concrete Gutter removal Contractors since 1989 and in all that time have never had a complaint made against us. We are very proud of this fact. We are a small family company who pride on good work.

We never take short cuts with Materials used, or with Health & safety and we only use what is in the best long term interest for you the customer.

We only advise and use DEEPFLOW gutters as standard gutters are in most cases NOT suitable due to the lack of downpipes, we do understand that standard gutters are far cheaper as is using EASYDEC platforms for access, but we will not use these just to obtain work, the main reason we feel for having NO complaints over all these years, Safety and a good scaffold allowing for correct working practices is in everyones best interests.

We offer free quotes and inspections,  with  no pressure hard sale ploys, or discounted prices or any other confusing tatics, a fair price and quality workmanship is all we offer, again its worked well for us and you the customer over all these years.

We dont use any hard sale tatics, mangement discount calls and we wont out stay our welcome, it can take as little time as to measure to give you the price, followed by a full written quote normally the same day, we dont need to hard sale our reputation of good works does that.

Its simple really if a company can offer thousands off the price where does that money come from

We offer Upvc Fascias in all colours as with gutter colour and style but only Deepflow gutter types will be fitted. Please note due to recent increases in prices we do charge extra for some colours as all others do.

We can join to adjacent Finlock gutters and will issue a guarantee for a watertight seal at that point TO THE OWNER OF THAT HOUSE for peace of mind to them.

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